Get Real Financial Fair

November 8, 2024
11:00 AM

Event Description

All Homeschool high schoolers are invited to "GET REAL" with their finances.

The Get REAL Financial Reality Fair, sponsored by Matanuska Valley Federal Credit Union, is a project designed to teach financial literacy to high school students...Sound boring? No way! Did we mention it's like playing a giant game of monopoly?

Each student is assigned a "life" with a predetermined income (this is based loosely on what you want to do when you graduate from college); then the hard part begins... how do you balance your budget? What kind of car can you afford? What kind of house can you buy? Do you have any money left over at the end of the month for entertainment?

Just when you think you've got it all figured out, you have to SPIN THE WHEEL OF REALITY, land on "inherit $500" and celebrate with your friends... OR land on "Unexpected vehicle repairs - $300" and try to figure out how to shuffle your money around.

Enter our drawing, and you may walk away with an Amazon Gift Card! Must be present to win.

Check back here for a clickable sign-up link on October 1st. 

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Teachers / Speakers

Gena Chastain
Activities and Community Liaison
(907) 352-7457